Adash A4900 Vibrio M Ex Vibration Meter
The Adash A4900 Vibrio M EX Vibration Meter, Analyzer and Data Collector in Intrinsically Safe Version is now available.
All basic vibrodiagnostics measurements are available: Overall Values, FFT Spectrum, Time signal, Frequency bands, Route measurement or Expert system. You can listen to the signal with the headphones supplied with every unit.
The Vibrio M Ex comunicates with the DDS software, which you can download for free from the Adash website.
The Maintenance Swiss Army Knife vibration meter with features :-
FFT, Time Waveform
Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement
ISO 10816 standards
16 hours of operation
IR thermometer
Memory / USB-C communication
LED Stroboscope
Collect, trend and analyze vibration data
Ex certification: II 2 G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb
Email for quotation and lead time.